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Volunteer Playworker | Gweithiwr Chwarae Gwirfoddol

Pontypool, Wales,
Company: Torfaen County Borough Council
Category: Management Occupations
Published 6 months ago

Job Details


The Play Service is currently looking for volunteers aged 16+ to support our summer playschemes. Your role will entail working as part of a team to provide play opportunities.

The Benefits of Volunteering

  • Volunteering has a meaningful, positive impact on the community.
  • Volunteering can develop new interests and hobbies.
  • Volunteering is a brilliant way to get life experience.
  • Volunteering brings together a diverse range of people from all backgrounds and walks of life.
  • Volunteering is ultimately about helping others and having an impact on people’s wellbeing.
  • Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills.
  • Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction.
  • Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, task management, and organisation skills.
  • * All volunteers are entitled to claim expenses of £15 per day towards their food and travel. 

    *All volunteers will be supported to complete training

    *All volunteers will be eligible to be provided with a reference of their playscheme experience to support them in future employment and study.

     You must be available to volunteer from Monday 22nd July until Friday 23rd August. This includes one week of training and four weeks of provision.

    Mae’r gwasanaeth chwarae yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr 16+ oed i gefnogi ein cynllun chwarae haf. Bydd eich rôl yn golygu gweithio fel rhan o dîm i ddarparu profiadau chwarae.  

    Y manteision o wirfoddoli

  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn cael effaith bositif ac ystyrlon ar y gymuned.
  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn gallu datblygu diddordebau a hobïau newydd.
  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn ffordd wych o gael profiadau bywyd.
  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn dwyn ynghyd amrywiaeth o bobl o bob cefndir a safle cymdeithasol.
  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn helpu pobl eraill ac yn cael effaith ar les pobl.
  • Mae rhoi o’ch amser fel gwirfoddolwr yn gallu eich helpu chi i feithrin cyfeillgarwch newydd, ehangu eich rhwydwaith a rhoi hwb eich sgiliau cymdeithasol.
  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn gallu rhoi hwb iachus i’ch hunan hyder, hunan-barch a’ch boddhad mewn bywyd.
  • Mae gwirfoddoli yn rhoi cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau pwysig i’w defnyddio yn y gwaith, fel gwaith tîm, cyfathrebu, datrys problemau, cynllun prosiect, rheoli tasgau a sgiliau trefnu.
  • * Gall pob gwirfoddolwr hawlio treuliau o £15 y dydd ar gyfer bwyd a theithio.

    *Bydd pob gwirfoddolwr yn cael cefnogaeth i gwblhau hyfforddiant

    * Bydd pob gwirfoddolwr yn gymwys i gael geirda ynglŷn â’u profiad mewn cynllun chwarae i’w cefnogi mewn gwaith ac astudiaethau yn y dyfodol.

     Mae’n rhaid i chi fod ar gael i wirfoddoli o Ddydd Llun 24ain Gorffennaf tan ddydd Gwener 25ain Awst. Mae hyn yn cynnwys un wythnos o hyfforddiant a phedair wythnos o ddarpariaeth

    Job Requirements

  • To work as part of a team to plan and deliver safe and stimulating play activities which encourage positive physical and mental health.
  • To act as a resource for children’s play and encourage all children to play regardless of their ability and social background.
  • To work as part of a team to interact positively with children at all times.
  • To work in line with the Playwork Principles.
  • To adhere to the local authorities’ policies and procedures in relation to working with children and young people.
  • To communicate effectively with parent/ carers, other professionals and community members.
  • To partake in training linked to the role.
  • To work, act and behave in a professional manner at all times.
  • To be open to learning and gaining experience from Playworkers and other members of staff.
  • Gofynion Swydd

  • Gweithio fel rhan o dîm i gynllunio a darparu gweithgareddau chwarae diogel ac ysgogol sy'n annog iechyd corfforol a meddyliol cadarnhaol.
  • Gweithredu fel adnodd ar gyfer chwarae plant ac annog pob plentyn i chwarae waeth beth yw eu gallu a'u cefndir cymdeithasol.
  • Gweithio fel rhan o dîm i ryngweithio'n gadarnhaol â phlant bob amser.
  • Gweithio yn unol â'r egwyddorion gwaith chwarae.
  • Cadw at bolisïau a gweithdrefnau’r awdurdodau lleol mewn perthynas â gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc.
  • Cyfathrebu'n effeithiol â rhieni/ gofalwyr, gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill ac aelodau o'r gymuned.
  • Cymryd rhan mewn hyfforddiant sy'n gysylltiedig â'r rôl.
  • Gweithio, gweithredu ac ymddwyn mewn modd proffesiynol bob amser.
  • Bod yn agored i ddysgu ac ennill profiad gan weithwyr chwarae ac aelodau eraill o staff.
  • Start Your Career at Torfaen County Borough Council

    For this job you can start work immediately. Apply now and get the job.
    Job offer: Volunteer Playworker | Gweithiwr Chwarae Gwirfoddol

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